Contact Us

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Get in touch

We always welcome your requirements and our brilliant team will be available at below mention addresses.

Registered Office Address

170/97 Netaji Subash Chandra Bose Road, KOLKATA - 700040

Delhi Office Address

H -17, Block H, Kirti Nagar, New Delhi, DELHI - 110015

Patna Office Address

K-198, First Floor, Hanuman Nagar, Kankarbagh, Patna, BIHAR - 800020

Bihar Office Address

H.NO:188,Charngaha Mishra Tola, Khata No.86, Plot No.426,K R Road Bettiah, WEST CHAMPARAN - 845438

Chattisgarh Office Address

23/1 Maitri Nagar Bhilai Resali, CHATTISGARH - 490006

Kolkata Office Address

185/1 Q,1st Floor, N S C Bose Road, KOLKATA - 700 040

How can we help?

For any query please fill your details and send it to us. Our team will response within 24 hours after your submission.

    Our Approach

    Our approach is to reach each and every corner to provide best pharmacy.


    We provide highly sensitive medicines at reasonable price.