Return Policy

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Return means the action of taking back all the ordered items in the returned order policy. It may result in a refund of money in most of cases. Products can be returned at the time of delivery in the following cases :
  • If the prescription does not match with the scanned prescription.
  • If the product received is damaged
  • If the packaging has been tempered
  • If an incorrect order has been delivered
It is clear that if the above mention situations occur, any payment for the returned order shall be refunded. Products may be returned post-delivery in the following cases:
  • If an expired product delivered, its return should be initiated within 5 working days from the time of delivery.
  • If some malfunctioning occurred in delivered medical devices, its request should be initiated within 7 days of the date of delivery. The following points need to be kept in mind before initiating any request for return:
The return policy is not valid in following cases :
  • Opened medicine strips.
  • When the batch number of the product does not match with the prescription
  • Any wrong ordering of product doesn’t qualify return
  • Any return request arises due to a change in prescription does not qualify return.